Proud Partner:


Proud Sponsors:


Volker Stevin Canada

The Italian Store


Thank you to our vendors:

49th Parallel

Annex Ale Project

Appellation Wine

Dandy Brewing

David Herman and Son

First Choice Cellars

Pacific Wines

PMA Summit Fine Wines


Thank you to our Silent Auction Donors

Adrian Cupido

Alfa Laval (Stanley Foster)

Allied Machinists (Travis Allerdings)

Angela Astorino

Application Wines

Bear Street (Juanita Tavares)

Bella Hair Design (Dianna Sirianni)

Bird Construction (Gino Limongiello)

Blake Cassles and Graydon

Bon Vida Wines

Calgary Co-op Wine Spirits Beer

Calgary Zoo

Cannex construction (Gerry Falcone)

Carriage House (Lino Savino)

Cassie Festa Hair Design and Kenra (Cassie Festa)

Cathy Deprocida and Lisa Buonacontri

CCM (Gerry Festa)

Cintas (Dan Cowley)

CIP Document Solutions (Mark Star)

Conor Wrafter

Costco (Rob Buonomo)

Craft Cellars (Darcy Wood)

David Herman and son (Allan Herman and Cinzia Limongiello)

Earls (Tony Festa)

Epicure (Meghann Limongiello)

Fingerwave salon (Lyndsay Stanners)

FGL Sports (Kerry Shafer)

Flames Foundation (Candice Goudie)

Gabe and Cindy Girimonte

Gino Limongiello and Natasha Jalbert

Gio Soul (Joanna Arcuri)

Gold Medal Marketing (Andy Dunn)

Heron Printing Ltd. (Chad Brown)

Husky (Lisa Witt)

Inland (Shawn Rogers)

International Cellars

Jadler (Greg Fisher)

James and Tanya Szarko

Jon and Silvanna Dick


La Palma Spa

Laser City

Last Best Brewery

Laugh Shop (Kelsey Keith)

Leasha’s Lashes (Aleasha Emond)

Lina Limongiello

Lowens (Chad Zelensky)

Luciano Limongiello

Luxe Laser Lounge (Sabrina Ghuman)

Mafworx (Frank Mafrica)

Matrix Solutions Inc. (Rick Dixon)

Mike Vail trucking (Mike Vail)

Miko Photography

Ochre Studio (Meena Hasnany)

One Penny Rock Sculpting (Frank Bitonti)

Orthogroup North, Dr. Robert Kinniburgh (Maria Daprocida)

Pacific Wines and Spirits

Paul van Ginkel

PMA Wine Agencies

Pooja Varde

Price Waterhouse Coopers

Pro Image (Maureen Johnson)

Rec Media (Troy Sedgwick)

Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (Robyn Derks)

Rocky Mountain Soap Co

Roughnecks (Captain Mike Carnegie)

Scarpones (Sera Duros)

Staratt Family

Starbucks (Patti Snyders-Bloc)

Sundre Golf Course

Summit Fine Wines

Tannin Fine Wines

Telus (Holly Aquila)

Telus Spark

TLC Cleaning (Carol Vazzoler)

Two Pines Farms

True Buch (Louisa Ferrel)

Van Houte Coffee (Janice Edwards)

Village Brewery

Volker Stevin (Mike Festa)

Willowpark Wines and Spirits

VWR ( Samantha Mendis)

West Jet

WinSport (Barry Heck)

Yukon Brewery

Zeus Juice Olive Oil (Gus Kolias)