September 17, 2017 Part 2

Matteo loved going to the bird sanctuary with his Ama and Pa. It was a beautiful place to walk around, look at birds and listen to their sound. I think back to us all going there together and watching Matteo. How natural he was. He would put out his hand and let the bird sit and eat from his palm. He had no fear. No trepidation. No “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! There’s a bird in my hand!!!” like his mother. He was a mini St. Francis of Assisi. Pure tranquility.

Today, his little friends painted bird houses to hang at the cemetery. They are a beautiful reminder of the walks that he loved so well, and a beautiful reminder of the fact that he is still surrounded by so much love. After they were hung in the tree, a little chickadee came and inspected the new real-estate. It hopped from branch to branch and sang its song. Matteo would have loved it.

Thank you C, Rx2, M, E, A, G and V for your constant love and friendship

Kent Shafer